Other Projects

The Sketchbook Project 2013

I'm participating in this year's The Sketchbook Project.  I created an artist's book titled, And There You Go...poetic meditations...
I took the blank sketchbook they provided and took it apart.  I then painted the pages with acrylics, made some cutouts, wrote out some of my poems and aphorisms, reversed the page fold, and re-bound the book using a stab binding.  I took a book making course a few years ago and have made and bound a number of books since then.

My book will be permanently housed at the Brooklyn Art Library.  It is currently touring Canada and the US as part of a mobile library tour.  It is pretty cool to know that your work is circulating to various cities.  Here's a picture of my friend Paula who checked out my book when the tour went to Toronto!

My artist's sketchbook has also been digitized:  And There You Go...poetic meditations...

I just got my blank sketchbook for the 2014 version of the project and I can't wait to figure out what to make for next year!

The Meal 2012 

"One moment. One meal. One photograph. Let's eat."

Last year I joined over 4,000 people from around the world in a shared meal project.  We all took a picture of whatever we were eating on Friday, February 24th at 12:00pm EST.

"Not only did we help to raise awareness about world hunger, but we also shared a community experience the Art House way... Whether it's breakfast in LA or a midnight snack in Beijing, let's take a moment from our hectic lives and share it with strangers around the world" (Art House Co-op, now The Sketchbook Project).

I was in the middle of a class at Lillstreet when 11:00 am CST came around, so I used my phone to photograph my favourite Lillstreet snack, a molasses cookie from First Slice, the in-house cafe.  I'd just gotten a t-shirt for joining the Art Center, so I used that as a background. 

Here's the link to the flckr set for the exhibition and my entry.
 A shot of the exhibition in Brooklyn, NY.
 Not only was this a fundraiser, but it was a fabulous way to join others and raise awareness about food and its place in the world.  It was also good to be self-reflexive about the privilege one has to participate in such an exhibition in the first place.

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